Thanksgiving at the Becks is always a FULL day. Fun and a bit tiring, but always nice and shows us how much we have to be thankful for. Kate started the day getting ready for church:

She was a big hit, but was a bit too excited, so she spent some time in childcare with Janice Swartz. Then she met a bunch of folks after the service:

The extended Beck and Osterberg/Lindseth family traditionally comes over for a big Thanksgiving feast. This year was no different. It was wonderful to see Kate's GREAT grandmothers holding her:
Grandma Beck

And Grandma O:

The Beck line:

The whole crew:

Thanksgiving 2008 was a 4-generational affair with baby Kate meeting up with Grandma O and Grandma Beck and all the cousins. Things were hectic and great. It was so nice to have a big chunk of the extended family together on such a great day.
Mom was able to have some quite time w/ Kate before the fun started.

The next day EJ brough over his and Tommi's baby girl Riley. She was born on Dan's birthday (Nov 10) and is a perfect little angel. So very very cute. Hopefully she and Kate will become great friends.