It didn't help that Doug and Julie spent most of the day before I came out trying to figure a way to have my initials read 'ODB'
I just met my grandparents (Doug's parents) David and Sina. They seem nice.
Shimmy Shimmy Yaw Shimmy Yeah, Shimmy Yeah!
Peace and goodnight!
Ah, what a darling! You guys look great and are so lucky to have each other and this baby girl. Our hearts are full for you. We're so glad you're all doing well now and taking it easy. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.
Amy, Al and Tori "the bear"
We love the name! So happy to have our first Niece and so cute too! Can't wait to meet her in a couple of weeks. We send extra Love for an easy recovery.
Hugs and Wet Kisses,
Amy, Dana, Molly, Max.
congrats! welcome katherine to the itty bitty baby committee!
I'd love to bring some dinner over in a week or two. Let me know if the 10th or 11th would work!
way to go becks!! xxAndrea
Congrats!! We are so happy for you three! Katherine is beautiful and I love how you spelled her name :) We can't wait until we get to meet her! you guys are AWESOME!
love you all
Kate and Emil
Welcome Katherine Olivia! I cant wait to meet you. Im sure we will become fast friends!
Of course ya'll would try and have her initals after ODB!! LOL Miss ya'll and congrats!! Now I just cant wait til this baby girl is out!! LOL
Melissa & Earl
She is so perfect and beautiful....I can't wait to meet her someday soon!! So, while you were in labor I was at Burning Man, relaxing in a hammock and enjoying a PBR for both of you. Love to the whole happy family!
Anna :^)
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