Monday, February 16, 2009


This was a very interesting 3-day weekend. on Sunday we went to our homebirth class reunion. It was so cute and funny to see all of the couples w/ their babies. They are all about the same age and similar sizes. Kate was such a good baby and had a great time. One of the highlights was watching Kate try to eat the other babies (see header image).

Hopefully there will be some other good pix of the party sent around with more evidence of Kate's domination.

Also, I experimented with having Kate facing forwards in the Mobi sling. It worked out pretty well. Now that she can hold her head up, I think we'll have even more fun.

1 comment:

ChiefLiveNotDie said...

The 'Eat your competition' is a pretty advanced fighting move. I would expect nothing less from K.O.