Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bunnies at breakfast

Kate is really enjoying her breakfast meal time. It is even more fun
when she gets to wear her bunny bib.

We just need to figure a way to get her to sleep more in the night.
We're getting close to the point where we might go the CIO route (cry
it out). We both think it will be terrible, but momma needs her sleep.


ChiefLiveNotDie said...

My vote is cry it out. Kate knows about kicking butt over other babies, but she should sleep through the night.

Unknown said...

I agree with that method. It worked for the girls may think they are in therapy for it. :=)

bostezo said...

Go baby! Sleep baby sleep!!!

jmofeminist said...

don't know if you have tried it but micah said that with the twins he put lots of cereal in with their milk/bottle before going to bed and that really helped them feel full and therefore sleep longer