Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Family Photo

So here is our little family. Julie, Baby Kate, Kiki and some bald homeless guy that was walking out in the street.

As we were getting ready for bed tonight, little Kate had the hiccups. She had them a lot when she was inside Julie, but on the outside, they seem to be a lot less fun.

Julie's milk is starting to come in and it looks like the transition from colostrum to milk has gotten a lot of things moving downstairs. TMI? It is just that this baby/momma stuff is so amazing.

Good night!



Eejay414 said...

Huzzah and hooray! Welcome, little muggling! You are in for a treat. You have picked two of the finest people we know for parents. It is going to be a life of love!
Huzzah! Hooray for Katherine!

Stacey said...

Congratulations, Doug & Julie! She's a looker, that's for sure. Hope to see you guys soon!

Stacey & Kenneth

Idé Family said...

Congratulations Doug and Julie. You can see our first little one at - Boubacar and Julie Burke Ide

Unknown said...

Doug and Julie, and Baby Katherine!!

Wow, you are so beautiful, welcome.

May all the greatness come to you and your family.

Thinking of you happily!

Irma (Borrero) Hudson, and Family.

Anonymous said...

Cute! She has a nice coat! Let's hope that vestigial tail falls off in the next few weeks.