Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's GO time!

Julie's water broke at around 3:00am this morning. We were both too excited to go back to sleep, so we got a bunch of last minute things sorted around the house (videos returned to Blockbuster, bendy straws and donuts bought at the 24-hour super market). We went for a nice walk around 5:00 to watch the light come up over the city which was very nice and beautiful.

We waited until 7:00 to call the midwife and are waiting a bit longer before we call my folks (Doug's parents) because we know that as soon as they get the news they'll try to come over/fly up as quickly as possible.

Note to people engaging midwives: when she says, "Call when your water breaks." She really means, "Even if it is 3:00am in the morning, CALL WHEN YOUR WATER BREAKS!" After we talked to her this morning and let her know that the water was clear, she let us know that it is going to be a LONG day and that we should go back and try to get some sleep.

So Julie is resting/sleeping now and I'm going to start getting some breakfast together.

Julie calling her sister with Kiki.

Stay tuned for updates.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Doug and Julie!

Felisa said...

So exciting! I hope your day goes smoothly and happily. Can't wait to see pics of baby Beck! Good luck, Julie!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So close. Hang in there, Becks!

Rebecca Stokes said...

Our thoughts are with you guys and we're so excited to meet the little one! Yay Beck Family!!!

jmofeminist said...

I'm with you, keeping updated on the computer--i love that you are keeping us all in the loop like this. Love you Julie--you have all the wonderful strength, power, and grace for what lies ahead.

Love you three,

Unknown said...

Prayer train engaged!!!!

We are wrapping you three (and birth team) in golden light. We envision Julie opening wide and easily and baby slippery sliding her way toward you.

You are strong in every moment..and that is enough.

Go Julie Go!

Strength and light as you go through this miracle.

Sarah, James and Dex

james said...

Whoohoo! Game on!

You three are going to do GREAT! Maybe that's why I woke up at 3am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep (of course, it could have been the garlic fries and milkshake I had for dinner too). :)

Dexter is cheering you on (crying... his baby language of choice).